Nothing on this site constitutes medical advice, treatment or therapy. In the case of illness, you must consult your health professional.
The information on this website does not constitute a training program and learning these natural methods does not give anyone a qualification or title.
As a user of these methods, you warrant that you will not represent yourself as a therapist, or charge a fee for the use of these methods. They are shared freely for public good and may be used by any friend, family member, peer supporter, or unpaid community volunteer.
We do not guarantee any results and the use of these methods is at your own discretion.
The basic method of somatic compassion (Strengths Method) is offered free.
To access the additional somatic compassion methods (Mindful noticing of feelings; Supported Dialogue; Positive questions; and Metaphorical techniques) requires a small payment of $25 so that we have some income to support our work. All payments are non-refundable.